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General Third-Party Certification
How do product upgrades subsequent to certification impact verification?
Can a company who manufacturers products solely for labeling by brand owner companies have an ENERGY STAR products partnership and certify models under their partnership?
Can a company who manufacturers products solely for labeling by brand owner companies have an ENERGY STAR products partnership and certify models under their partnership?
Is the booster heater energy for high-temperature and/or dual-temperature commercial dishwashers included in the total wash energy calculation, or is the booster energy measured and reported separately?
How is network proxy capability verified for ENERGY STAR Computers certification?
How many of my products will be subject to ongoing verification testing, and how often will this occur?
How long will it take the certification body (CB) to review a test report?
How long does it take to test and certify a product overall?
Can I use any laboratory for ENERGY STAR certification or verification testing?
Is a partner required to use only one Certification Body?
Does a first-party accredited laboratory that is already recognized by EPA need to enroll as a supervised manufacturer's testing laboratory (SMTL) with an EPA-recognized Certification Body?
If a product already exceeds the required minimum energy efficiency requirements for a revised specification, does it need to be retested?
What is the difference between an EPA-recognized certification body (CB) and an EPA-recognized testing laboratory?
What is the Certification Body’s (CB’s) role When A Brand Owner submits data in accordance with the ENERGY STAR Test Methods for Determining Cleaning Performance (Residential Dishwashers or Residential Clothes Washers)?
What is the appropriate use of the ENERGY STAR® Name and Mark by Certification Bodies, Accreditation Bodies, and Laboratories?
Will EPA send someone to evaluate my laboratory during the recognition process?
How should a certification body (CB) proceed if it procures a product for verification testing and determines that it is a refurbished or re-designed version of the certified model?
What results when a test report for ENERGY STAR contains a typographical error?
Should non-DRAM based memory modules be included in tested configurations for ENERGY STAR computer server testing?
Are computer servers required to undergo the active mode Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT) test during verification testing?
Why doesn't EPA collect 100V data anymore?
With regard to the Version 7.0 ENERGY STAR Displays specification, how must Sleep and Off Mode power be calculated for products powered by a low-voltage dc source?
Will EPA continue to provide international recognition of products for ENERGY STAR?
Will test reports produced by a lab prior to receiving EPA recognition be accepted for ENERGY STAR certification?
When may a certification body (CB) notify a partner of a verification or challenge testing failure?
Will re-testing be required for desktop and integrated desktop computers, portable all-in-one computers, and workstations under ENERGY STAR V7.0?
When may I begin to market my product as ENERGY STAR qualified?
When selecting refrigerators and freezers for ENERGY STAR verification testing, how should kitable (i.e., the model without the ice maker installed) models be treated?
Who makes a determination of a defective unit for purposes of ENERGY STAR verification testing on non-lighting products?
When certifying Data Center Storage products, should products have Advanced Data Recovery Capability turned on during testing?