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Multifamily New Construction Program
What requirements should a separate community building or leasing office building follow?
When testing for compartmentalization, how do you calculate the surface area of the dwelling unit? For the wall areas, do you use the finished ceiling height or something else?
In the MFNC Rater Field Checklist, why are requirements for heated plenums and heated garages included? Those weren’t part of SFNH.
In Section 7 of the Functional Testing Checklist, do requirements apply to boilers for domestic hot water heating?
In MFNC Rater Field Checklist Item 3.7.1, can I use closed-cell spray polyurethane foam to meet thermal bridging requirements?
In MFNC Rater Field Checklist Item 8.1, do kitchens without a stove or oven require local exhaust?
In the Rater Field Checklists, how do the above-grade wall reduced thermal bridging requirements differ between Single-Family New Homes(SFNH) and MFNC?
How do I calculate the ENERGY STAR MFNC minimum insulation requirements that apply to my multifamily building?
In the MFNC Program Documents, do ALL the requirements apply for ALL Paths?
Can a multifamily building have over-ventilated corridors and intentional undercuts in apartment entry doors for ventilation purposes and still get ENERGY STAR MFNC certified?
In MFNC Rater Field Checklist Item 13.1, the Prescriptive Path requires ENERGY STAR certified refrigerators. The refrigerator installed has the ENERGY STAR logo, but I cannot find it in the ENERGY STAR Product Finder. Does that mean it is not certied?
In the MFNC Rater Field Checklist, do the heating equipment efficiency requirements outlined Exhibit X apply to enclosed parking garages?
What is the difference between the HERS Index and the Energy Rating Index (ERI) that ENERGY STAR uses?
Can I delegate some of the required inspections to other Raters who have not taken the Multifamily New Construction training?
Where multiple efficiency rating values are listed in the Multifamily Reference Design, do we need to meet all of them or just one of them?
The project in question looks like a row of townhouses, but each building has a unit on top and unit on the bottom, and all of the homes are attached. Is this project eligible for certification under the SFNH program, or the MFNC program?
Can PHIUS sampling protocols be used to verify items on the Rater Field checklist?
Grandfathering into the MFHR Program only requires a permit application date before July 1st, 2021. Can I grandfather into the SFNH program using a building permit application date before July 1st, 2021, or must I use the actual building permit date?
I altered a few aspects of my design in order to reach the ERI Target for my MFNC project. Why did my ERI Target change too?
When will the ERI Path be available for multifamily buildings over 5 stories?
Is a RESNET HERS Rater required in the ASHRAE Path of the Multifamily New Construction program?