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Multifamily High Rise Program
Appliances: Are leased clothes washers required to be ENERGY STAR certified in the MFHR program?
Ventilation: Some programs, like LEED for Homes, don’t permit transfer air from corridors to apartments to meet the whole-house ventilation requirement for the apartments. Is this prohibited in ENERGY STAR MFHR?
T&V: We usually conduct blower door testing in the Certified Homes program, which uses an ACH50 metric. Can you explain the metric (CFM50/ft2) that is used in MFHR? Does the test procedure change?
T&V: What common area equipment is subject to testing in the MFHR Program?
Process: Does the HVAC Contractor in ENERGY STAR MFHR need to be credentialed like in Certified Homes?
T&V: Can you clarify whether a Licensed Professional can conduct the Testing and Verification, or if the project is required to hire a HERS Rater or Commissioning Agent for the MFHR program?
Lighting: Which schedule should be used for stairwells in the baseline and proposed models for projects following ASHRAE 90.1 - 2010 in the ENERGY STAR MFHR program?
Pump Motor Efficiency: Is a trash compactor pump motor subject to the ENERGY STAR MFHR prerequisite for NEMA Premium Efficiency?
Process: Can we just pursue Designed to Earn ENERGY STAR and not ENERGY STAR MFHR certification? What software is accepted in Designed to Earn ENERGY STAR?
Performance Target: Can an ENERGY STAR MFHR building be modeled using ASHRAE 90.1-2013 Appendix G, as modified by Addendum bm? If yes, how is the Addendum applied?
Lighting: If using the Building Area method to demonstrate compliance with lighting allowances, there is one lighting power density calculated for the entire non-apartment space. Is there also just one footcandle requirement to be met in all those spaces?
Lighting: How can I take credit for automatic lighting controls when using building area method in the ENERGY STAR MFHR Program?
Lighting: Can lamps (bulbs) with integral ballasts just use their rated wattage to determine the total power input?
Lighting: Are there other ways of demonstrating compliance with the IESNA footcandle requirement in the MFHR program besides using the Performance Path calculator?
Lighting: Are LEDs “high-efficacy” in order to meet the ENERGY STAR MFHR requirements?
Appliances: Our MFHR building will have units with ADA requirements. Does that mean they will be exempt from the ENERGY STAR MFHR appliance requirements?
DHW: We are unable to find many kitchen faucets rated at 80 psi and they are not available as WaterSense certified? How do we meet this low-flow ENERGY STAR MFHR program requirement?
Are multifamily buildings eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR?
Appliances: How do I demonstrate that the installed appliances and low-flow fixtures are ENERGY STAR or WaterSense certified in the ENERGY STAR MFHR program?